Save money and produce a high quality product with more antixoidants and live enzymes than store-bought formulas!
This Kit makes 7-8 Cups of Kelly Dearie's secret formula elderberry syrup
Kelly's Elder-Kits are formulated with 100% organic European Elderberries and spices. Methods for both Instant Pot and regular stove top are provided. Special storage techniques and methods for low-no sugar formulas are also included in your kit.
Cold & Flu prevention: 1 -2 ounce shot per day
Acute Symptoms: 1 ounce shot per hour
Elderberry is a proven, potent, cold and flu remedy and preventative!
- Is an antioxidant powerhouse- Higher ORAC value of all berries!
- Has antiviral effects- it actually stops viruses from being able to enter your cells and replicate!
- Balances the immune system and increases white blood cell count
- Studies show taking elderberry syrup can help:
- reduce inflammation
- prevent and lessen the duration of colds and flues
- protects against cancer, diabeties and heart disease
- strengthens and balances the immune system
- lowers bad cholesterol
- helps to clear and smooth the skin
You will need to gather the following items to get started:
- Mesh Strainer or a french press for straining the juice
- Jars w/ lids for storing and freezing
- Raw Honey (optional)
- Raw Apple Cider Vinegar for extra medicinal benefits, taste, and preservation. (You can find raw honey and ACV at most Costco and Grocery Outlet stores at half price)
8 Cup Organic Elder-Kit & Class